May 11, 2009

Wow it's been a long time since I've blogged. We're currently coding the layout for the content that we already have finished and researching all the stuff we need to research. We've got half of the KAT-TUN lyrics and 80% of the Ueda lyrics. Most of the KAT-TUN lyrics we have are from Queen Of Pirates, and Best Of KAT-TUN. We've already done the discography of the ALBUMS and VIDEOS. Not the singles...To be honest, I don't like most of the KAT-TUN singles, except for the most two recent ones.
Which reminds me. I've finally downloaded the new album. It is AMAZING. I love it! All of the solos are so....AWESOME! And Ueda's solo! *dies* Anyway, orange doesn't really like Jin's solo but I love it to death! Haha anyway. To make this less of an update, hi! Me and my boyfriend, Ross, are buying an apartment together this month! I'm excited but nervous. Haha...He thinks it would be good for us and I can't help but agree with him. Usually I'm not a pushover so when I said yes, it kind of surprised him. It's good to know that we still keep finding out things about each other as we go on. Wow. I've never really talked about my personal life on here, but what the heck. Why not?
Anyway, got to go!


March 10, 2009

I'm so excited! I've been listening to L'Arc~en~Ciel songs nonstop over the past week. I guess I'm getting ready for the re-vamping? Oh, and I'm sorry if this topic is too boring for you. As you can tell, I'm REALLY REALLY excited. ^_^ I haven't listened to L'Arc in forever. It's like falling in love all over again! XD Okay, maybe I should stop talking (typing?) now. Haha...
ps. sorry for it being so short T_T

March 08, 2009

Err >_> Have you guys SEEN all the fanlisting orange has joined? Holy crap...all the codes make my head whirl. And there's more too! She joined more than the ones on the page, she's in the process of editing details from the fanlisting sites she joined and transferring all the codes from her old site (I don't know what this "old site" is. Must be old though >_>). Woah...
Anyway, I have an essay due in a couple of days. I don't really want to do it. And yes, it's official, we are re-vamping Seventh Heaven. It makes me feel giddy ^_^. My whole relationship with orange (no, we're not dating...I'm straight as a ruler and she's like 5 years younger than me) and co-admin experience started with Seventh Heaven so it's a bit nogalstic.
I had a lot to say this time! Woah. Remind me to make an account on LJ or something XD.

March 07, 2009

Hello guys! Hmmm...a blog...we need an actual one, but this will make due. ^_^ So, a look into my life, eh? Well, college is frustrating me. That's pretty much it. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say this, but me and orange are thinking of re-vamping Seventh Heaven. I'm all for the idea, but this time we're planning this carefully. I haven't been on their for a long time...*sigh* Anyway...
That's it for me!